Hello, I'm Yash

I design thoughtful experiences that solve problems and prioritize people

User Experience Design
Digital Accessibility
Systems Thinking
The image shows a glimpse of the dashboard that is the final product of the Credit Coach project.
This image lists what the project is about. The Rocket Mortgage Credit Coach project is about helping people achieve their dream of buying a home. The image also lists the skills used in the project such as Product Strategy, Needs Assessments and Visual Design.
The image shows a glimpse of the Reading Assistant app screen that is the end result of the project.
This image lists what the project is about. The Reading Assistant project is about helping kids with special needs improve their reading, comprehension and pronunciation. The image also lists the skills used in the project such as User Research, Wireframing, Information Architecture and Visual Design
The image shows a glimpse of the mobile app screen that is the end result of the project.
This image lists what the project is about. The Movano project is about the design process for a companion mobile app for a health ring focused towards women. The image also lists the skills used in the project such as Wireframing, Information Architecture and Visual Design.
The image shows a glimpse of the mobile app screen that is the end result of the project.
This image is a placeholder that says, "The Rocket Account Merge" project is coming soon.

What I'm good at

Problem Solving
Usability Testing
Iterative Prototyping

At the heart of UX design is holistic problem-solving. I navigate the intricate interplay between user needs, business objectives, and technical feasibility to craft solutions that resonate.

Through iterative prototyping, I place user feedback at the forefront, allowing designs to evolve organically.

As a usability testing champion, I delve into user insights, refining designs to ensure the end product seamlessly aligns with user expectations.

User Empathy
Data-Driven Designs

Design strategy is about aligning creativity with purpose. By deeply understanding users through personas and embracing design thinking, I ensure that every solution addresses genuine needs.

Collaboration with cross-functional teams is essential to create an environment where diverse perspectives fuel innovation, resulting in strategic design solutions.

User-centric design is not just a principle but a commitment that permeates every stage of my design process.

Inclusive Design
Accessibility Guidelines

Digital accessibility is about creating designs that everyone can enjoy. Adhering to WCAG guidelines, I guarantee that the digital experiences I craft are accessible to all users.

Accessibility advocacy is not just about compliance; it's a dedication to making digital spaces accessible to all.

Continuous learning keeps me at the forefront of accessibility standards, ensuring designs are not just inclusive today but future-proofed for evolving user needs.

Visual Hierarchy
Design Systems
Responsive Design

UI design goes beyond aesthetics; it's about emotionally connecting with users. Designs are emotion-driven, forging meaningful connections.

Cross-platform consistency is a commitment, ensuring users enjoy a seamless experience across different platforms. I excel in integrating and evolving Design Systems, providing a scalable and cohesive foundation for User Interfaces.

With a focus on responsive design, I ensure that the product's beauty and functionality shine across diverse devices.

Get in touch!